The Sword of the Spirit Podcast
Pre-Millennial, Pre-Tribulational, Dispensational, Independent, and standing on the inspired, preserved, word of God, the King James Bible as our final authority.
Sunday at 3:00 PM CT
Thursday at 7:00 PM CT
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Pre-Millennial, Pre-Tribulational, Dispensational, Independent, and standing on the inspired, preserved word of God, the King James Bible as our final authority.
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God says what he created, and put up in the heavens, is for signs. We are surrounded by information that God has put up there in the heavens, if we’ll take a long look at it.
On today’s show, we’ll be studying the phases of the moon, and how they are an indicator of things to come.
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(00:01:19) Introduction and Podcast Updates
(00:05:35) The Heavens Declare the Glory of God
(00:06:35) The Phases of the Moon and Biblical Significance
(00:17:20) The Seven Churches and Phases of the Moon
(00:41:02) Ephesians and the Full Moon
(00:48:39) Philippians: Faith and the Future
(00:54:26) Colossians and the Hope of Heaven
(00:55:00) Thessalonians: Christ’s Return
(01:11:01) Prayer Requests and Salvation Message